22 October 2014

Winter Practice Shuttle Bus Schedule

Go Tigers!!
Farmington Tiger
Shuttle Bus
BMS, DM, Schmitz/Maki, ISC, and FHS
Beginning October 27th (running Monday-Friday: all school days)
1.Shuttle pick up at BMS North Doors at 2:30pm
Pick up middle school boys swimmers and wrestlers
2.Shuttle goes to DMS and drops off students at 2:35pm
Pick up wrestlers, hockey players,
3.Shuttle goes to BMS and drops off athletes at 2:40pm
4.Shuttle picks goes to FHS and drops off MS athletes in the high school programs at 2:50pm
Pick up boys swimmers, boys and girls hockey players, gymnasts
5. Shuttle departs FHS at 3:10
6.Shuttle goes to DMS and drops off swimmers pick up gymnasts-3:15
7.Shuttle goes to BMS/Hockey Arena-3:20 pick up gymnasts

8. Shuttle goes to ISC and drops off cheerleaders, gymnasts 3:25